ENTREE | Profile | Aung Su Pyae
Aung Su Pyae

Aung Su Pyae


Data Scientist at ENTREE

Machine Learning Expert

About me

Aung Su Pyae is a data wizard at ENTREE, skilled in transforming raw data into actionable insights using machine learning models. His analytical mind and deep understanding of AI help ENTREE make data-driven decisions. Outside of work, Aung enjoys working on personal projects involving AI in healthcare and smart systems.


Machine Learning

Data Science

AI for Healthcare

Deep Learning

Data Visualization

My Projects

AI-powered Health Diagnostics Tool

AI-powered Health Diagnostics Tool

An AI tool designed to assist doctors by analyzing patient data and providing diagnostic suggestions for various conditions.

Predictive Maintenance System

Predictive Maintenance System

A machine learning model developed to predict machinery failure in industrial systems, improving maintenance schedules and reducing downtime.

Real-time Data Visualization Dashboard

Real-time Data Visualization Dashboard

A web-based dashboard that visualizes data in real-time, providing interactive insights into data trends and patterns for decision-making.

AI-Powered Chatbot for Medical Consultations

AI-Powered Chatbot for Medical Consultations

An AI chatbot that assists users by providing basic medical consultations, analyzing symptoms, and recommending whether to seek professional care.

Deep Learning for Medical Image Classification

Deep Learning for Medical Image Classification

A deep learning model designed to classify medical images, helping doctors identify diseases like cancer from scans with high accuracy.